I was a long time visitor .. maybe a comment or two over time … but often would revisit ur blog to see if there were ever random updates and sure enough , there sometimes were . Kept me coming back to check and then learned ur doing this again, which is awesome.
I’ve wished u were still commenting on things as various news stories have came out regarding NDE’s, UAP’s , etc and missed having your input and reflections .
Hope to see some of that again and get ur opinion on things like Sam Parnia’s new book, latest NDE studies , reverse engineering UFO’s.. etc!
Subscribed! :)
I'm so happy to hear it!!
Thanks, Janine!
I was a long time visitor .. maybe a comment or two over time … but often would revisit ur blog to see if there were ever random updates and sure enough , there sometimes were . Kept me coming back to check and then learned ur doing this again, which is awesome.
I’ve wished u were still commenting on things as various news stories have came out regarding NDE’s, UAP’s , etc and missed having your input and reflections .
Hope to see some of that again and get ur opinion on things like Sam Parnia’s new book, latest NDE studies , reverse engineering UFO’s.. etc!
Welcome back, Michael! I'll be keeping an eye on this 😊 Very interesting story, BTW.
So glad you're back and that I happened upon you. I just clicked the link for old time's sake and here you are!
Thanks, Susan! It’s good to be back. 😀